Our Values
It is with great love that we offer these items to the world. Caring for the Earth is a responsibility we all share.
As guardians of this Earth, it's our duty to preserve it for GENERATIONS to come!
Beauty shouldn't cost our Earth
These values are more than just words – they're the foundation of our creations!

Each item is intentionally tuned with Love using sound and other sacred practices. This ensures that no matter where or how the products have come to be, we can with our own intention cleanse and recalibrate the vibration of these products with Love and the energy of Mother Earth,
Everything we take we give back and ask permission. As many traditional cultures have done before us it is important to us to give back in many ways and ask before we take something.

Historically, when we worked more in harmony with nature, there were ceremonies and gifts given in exchange for the fruits received from the Earth. By sacredly cleansing each item we use to return it back to its purest vibration and form, we acknowledge these traditions in our own personal way.

We believe all life forms are sentient. Beauty shouldn't cost our Earth and all of her creations. We do what feels right for us in the creation of these products and wish to share our love for nature within everything we create.

Connecting Hearts to Hands. From the Earth to the people. Handmade items carry with it a sacred energy that can only be exchanged between one human to another.
Our products are handmade
and always will be. We use only natural ingredients. NO fragrance oils or additives used. There are no more than eight ingredients per product. Essential oils have been used since 4500 BC.

By preserving the traditions and wisdom of our ancestors, we honor their legacy and ensure their wisdom lives on for future generations.